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Layal Boulos

“Grassroots Maptivism”: Mapping Feminist Movements Around the World

“Grassroots Maptivism”: Mapping Feminist Movements Around the World

The virtual space has become the preferred place to demand for change. There are several examples of such movements from all over the world – Occupy Wall Street, The Arab Spring, #BlackLivesMatter, #NiUnaMenos #15-M Movement. With over 4 billion...
Facebook’s ‘Rosetta’ System: A Form of Safety Implementation or Data Exploitation?

Facebook’s ‘Rosetta’ System: A Form of Safety Implementation or Data Exploitation?

Facebook has announced its latest technological development, code-named Rosetta, which detects and recognizes texts in images, as well as videos. They claim that it’s for the benefit of the social network community because of the safety features it provides...