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rachel blennerhassett

Could a Digital Expiry Date Policy Limit Extractive Platform Capitalism Business Models?

Could a Digital Expiry Date Policy Limit Extractive Platform Capitalism Business Models?

Since 2016, numerous digital data leaks, data-sharing revelations, and scandals have been brought to light — from Cambridge Analytica to Google+ to several others. The data breaches compromised the personal information of millions of users and showed that not...
A Capitalist Does Not Always Pay His Debts: On Debt, Rentism, and Inequality

A Capitalist Does Not Always Pay His Debts: On Debt, Rentism, and Inequality

Debt, governance, and inequality are three of the main building blocks of capitalist economies. These economies have features that allow great wealth to essentially reproduce itself in the absence of strong governance regulation, which in turn typically leads to...
Do the Robot: A critical alternative to gendered humanistic virtual assistants

Do the Robot: A critical alternative to gendered humanistic virtual assistants

“Alexa, how deep is the ocean?”, “Alexa play some music!”, “Alexa, call the plumber!” Mundane tasks such as making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, and searching for weather, traffic, sports, and other real-time information are all outsourceable in...
Accept all Cookies

Accept all Cookies

When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in the European Union in May 2018, its biggest impact for me as a web user was the scores of GDPR emails in my inbox and cookie consent requests...