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Yoojin Chelsea Jang

Tactical Media: beyond the digital

Tactical Media: beyond the digital

In preparation for the Wildcards Symposium as part of the New Media Theories course, we have read and critiqued Rita Raley’s 2009 publication, Tactical Media. Though the book reads as a fairly good overview of the concept of tactical...
Flipboard: the tasteful social curation

Flipboard: the tasteful social curation

   News consumption has somehow taken a different path since the development of RSS feed, but how is it different? And why? Let’s look at this fairly recent application, Flipboard, to answer those questions. Flipboard is a free social...

The failure of Interactive Whiteboard

But did it really fail? Rather, Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) is in fact a huge success from the business perspective of educational technology. Introduced in early 2000s and richly funded by educational technology industries and governments, IWB has obtained the...