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Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 5

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 5

The Innovation Lab 2006 winner of the 10.000 euro price for further development is Blendid. Chairman of the jury, Frank Alsema, presented the price to David Kousemaker and Tim Olden, with their project ‘Sound World: Audio-Augmented Experiences’. This Innovation...

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 4

Day 4 is the last day before the big pitch on Friday. Frank Boyd introduces the day with a session on what to think about in the presentation. Today is about pitching. Pitching is about inner preparation, outer preparation,...

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 3

During day 3 and 4 the teams work on their own project. The experts visit the teams during the day to give personal feedback. On day 3 a special guest accompanies the expert group: chairman of the jury Frank...

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 2

Day 2 is about users. More specifically today is about understanding and applying user centered design methods. Tracy Currer is leading today’s session. Tracy Currer is an interaction design consultant and is an experienced guide in innovative processes. The...
Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 1

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 1

Day 1 is introduction day. What projects are participating in Innovation Lab? Who are the teams? Why are they participating? What are the goals of the projects? And how are they going to achieve these goals? Expert in innovative...
Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – introduction

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – introduction

This week the Innovation Lab workshop ‘Broadband/HD’ takes place. Media Guild initiated this workshop week for ICTRegie in collaboration with EuroLAB and Unexpected Media. The focus is on generation and development of innovative cross-platform applications for optimum use of...