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The Ultimate ‘Data Selfie’: An era of self-tracking explosion

The Ultimate ‘Data Selfie’: An era of self-tracking explosion

‘The End of Forgetting’: Self-tracking and the Quantified Self Humans are forgetful. We make errors. We easily neglect matters that are trivial. However, this is not a problem in the 21st century: we have self-tracking apps and devices to...

Now on Sale: Sleep and Relaxation

 Sleep is an uncompromising interruption of the theft of time from us by capitalism (Crary, 10). We seem to be living in a time that is known for sleep deprivation, and many other activities that are being linked to... – I read dead people – I read dead people

„We all pass away sooner or later“, states the opener of the webpage of Only to continue with a much surprising statement: “But what if you could be remembered forever?” – With the data of your old online-communication,...
[Thesis] The Quest for Happiness in Self-Tracking Mobile Technology

[Thesis] The Quest for Happiness in Self-Tracking Mobile Technology

Abstract The practice of self-tracking became more accessible to the general public in recent years through the widespread use of connected portable devices (in particular smartphones), improved human biometric sensors, platforms and services specifically designed for monitoring purposes, and...