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EveryArtoF It

EveryArtoF It

Hutspot is a concept store in which upcoming designers share a space to present their work for a monthly fee. This store was not only the place of our first group meeting, but also triggered a discussion about the...
iPhone Art : This Century’s Modern Art Movement

iPhone Art : This Century’s Modern Art Movement

Smartphone technology established its omnipresence at the arrival of the 21st century. For better or for worse, digital handheld technology has become a defining element of this millennium. The gadget’s pervasiveness combined with its seemingly limitless assortment of program...

‘Mapping E-Culture’ book review

The book is recommended for people who start their new media education and/or want to get introduced to some pioneering digital artists in the Netherlands, Brazil, China, Egypt, Lebanon and Palestine.

Why artists (should) support piracy

Considering the severely limiting effects of current copyright and the culture industries, artists are better off supporting piracy - financially, artistically and morally.

Forums are dead… long live Twitter? – Music artists in a new age of connectivity

If there’s one element of the Web 1.0 era that seems to have survived the age of social networking of today, it must be forums. But for how long? In the world of music, professional musicians seem to have...

Researching online music networking in the Web 2.0 era: Soundcloud and the demise of MySpace

With the current steady rise of social networking sites, it is by all means an important question to ask how to research these in the field of new media studies. Furthermore, a lot of these sites offer services destined...