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Digital Comics in the face of DRM

Digital Comics in the face of DRM

With the dominating presence of smartphone and tablet technologies within todays current market, it is clear to see why major comic book publishers have placed large amounts of focus and resources into the digital publishing frontier. Both interactive elements...
Digital Comics: Not as Invincible as They Could Be

Digital Comics: Not as Invincible as They Could Be

As a Toronto born comic book fan, I’ve probably visited my local comic book shop, Cyber City Comix, once a week for the last fifteen years. Every Wednesday I would go by and pick up the latest issues of...
Rolling up the vignettape

Rolling up the vignettape

My wikipedia entry is about an italian cartoon called “L’Omino Bufo”, in loving memory of those bizarre and hilarious strips I used to read (and enjoy to the tears) as a child. Since the available online information was very...