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Instagram’s @browngirlgang: feminist research ethics, digital diaspora, and intimate publics

Instagram’s @browngirlgang: feminist research ethics, digital diaspora, and intimate publics

In recent years, public Instagram pages have become spaces to express, contest, and create shared gendered ethnic identities. Utilizing @browngirlgang as a case study, this blog explores the implications of theorizing such spaces as intimate publics while functioning as...
The Software is the Message

The Software is the Message

In a mini article of his, new media theorist Lev Manovich rephrased Marshall McLuhan’s most famous sentence by replacing the word ‘medium’ with the word ‘software’, saying that: “The software is the message”. For Manovich, software is an universal...

Useful Materials to Consult When Critically Investigating the Concept of Smart House in Media and Cultural Studies

In doing research for my master thesis on smart houses as technologies of government ‘at a distance’ last year (which you can read here), I found it very difficult to find materials which treated this topic from a media...