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Safety Net – Play With Privacy or It Will Play You

Safety Net – Play With Privacy or It Will Play You

  Have you ever used a website that uses cookies? “Liked” a photo on Facebook? Geo-tagged your location in a post or used Google Maps?   Of course you have. But were you aware of how the information you...

‘Headdesking’ and Beyond: The British Uprisings

‘Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not...

Not About Media!

The Impossibility of Media Theory Where previous generations of Serious Men saw in the concept of Medium but marginal or esoteric wordplay, we in our times seem to attribute to it almost magical qualities, such as the 19th century...

Grammars of Process: Agency, Collective Becoming, and the Organization of Software

Despite years of theorization, a concise definition of what constitutes a medium remains elusive. A practice-based case study in generative typesetting leads to an analytics of becoming that highlights the external dynamics of media. Rather than the referentially recursive...