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Facebook “M assistant”:  a power of suggestion

Facebook “M assistant”: a power of suggestion

It was never a secret that Facebook for a long time was trying to engage AI technology to expand the activity on their social media services. From their introduction of functions to identify people who are depressed and who...
‘M’ Assistant – a New Territory For Advertising

‘M’ Assistant – a New Territory For Advertising

‘M’ is an Artificial Intelligent virtual assistant inside Messenger which aims to be helpful to its users when appropriate. M Assistant analyzes their normal conversation on Messenger and pops up to suggest one of the features within the app...
Super Apps – The Western World is Already Behind

Super Apps – The Western World is Already Behind

In the Western part of the world we usually believe we are ahead of the times and that we have a “one up” on the rest of the world when it comes to the best new technologies and apps....
I need some Beer & Chips! Can you get me some? – The new way of personal assistance and how it impacts our society

I need some Beer & Chips! Can you get me some? – The new way of personal assistance and how it impacts our society

On the 26th of August the Vice President of Messaging products at Facebook, David Marcus, announced on his personal Facebook Page that Facebook is beginning to test a new service within the Facebook Messenger called “M”. With that post...