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Empire forces in contemporary videogames, hyperbole or justified concern?

In a discussion between the Paris-based culture theorist Paul Virilio and Jérôme Sans titled ‘The game of love and chance’, Virilio questions what kind of form virtuality has currently taken on nowadays: The imminent home installation of domestic simulators...
The Potential Power of Twitter’s Search Engine

The Potential Power of Twitter’s Search Engine

Last week, I wrote about Twitter from the perspective of psychologist Barry Schwartz and what he calls the Paradox of Choice. “With so many options to choose from, people find it difficult to choose at all.”  From this perspective...
Notes on Paul Virilio’s War and Cinema

Notes on Paul Virilio’s War and Cinema

This is a summary of Virilio's book, War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception. I read this for a class on German Media Theory - alongside Elias Canetti's Crowds and Power, Klaus Theweleit's Male...