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Victoria Andelsman

“Grassroots Maptivism”: Mapping Feminist Movements Around the World

“Grassroots Maptivism”: Mapping Feminist Movements Around the World

The virtual space has become the preferred place to demand for change. There are several examples of such movements from all over the world – Occupy Wall Street, The Arab Spring, #BlackLivesMatter, #NiUnaMenos #15-M Movement. With over 4 billion...
Controlled Wombs: How a Hip Contraceptive App Reinforces Binary Gender Roles

Controlled Wombs: How a Hip Contraceptive App Reinforces Binary Gender Roles

Natural Cycles is a digital method of birth control cleared by regulators both in the US and Europe. It claims to be a hormone-free alternative that brings a new level of accuracy to fertility tracking. But is it made...