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Screens in motorcars, what could possibly go wrong?

Screens in motorcars, what could possibly go wrong?

The dashboard does not merely afford drivers control over the car, but also mediates information between the vehicle and driver. The digitization of the motorcar now means that the proliferation of screens increases the amount of information that is...
Swipe you left out of my life!

Swipe you left out of my life!

How the features of tinder encourage both connectedness and social indifference As the world is becoming more digitally connected and people are becoming more reliant on the Internet and digital technologies for various aspects of their lives, it comes...
The Zero UI Music Player

The Zero UI Music Player

One of the most iconic computers in cinema is certainly HAL9000 from Stanley Kubrick’s epos 2001: A Space Odyssey. With all inner workings hidden beneath a red light in a camera lens, the mischievous A.I. created an eerie atmosphere...
Don’t ask my name, just scan!

Don’t ask my name, just scan!

Say, you met a new group of people who are bon vivant just like you, and you spent a nice evening with them. Before you meet each other again next time, you wanna exchange your social media accounts to...
Stop trying to script my life

Stop trying to script my life

The colonization of the empty state and nudges as contested territory. On another day at the office, something remarkable happens. I manage to clean up my entire email inbox. Not being the kind of person whose inbox is often...