Show me the Data 2011

On: May 9, 2011
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About Bernhard Rieder
Assistant Professor at UvA Media Studies, researching on the history, theory, and politics of software, more particularly on the role of algorithms in social processes and the production of knowledge. Has worked as a Web programmer on various projects and is currently writing a book on the history and cultural significance of information processing.


Show me the Data 2011

A presentations of six multidisciplinary data visualization projects developed by Master students of the University of Amsterdam (Media Studies and Computer Science)  and the Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design.

This year’s guest speakers are:

Thomas Clever (Co-founder of design agency CLEVER°FRANKE)

Jack van Wijk (Professor of Visualization at the Eindhoven University of Technology)

When: Thursday, 19 May 2011, 14h30 – 19h00

Where: Doelenzaal (C0.07), UvA Universiteits bibliotheek, Singel 421-427, 1012 WP Amsterdam (

Entrance: free


14h30 – 14h45 Opening
14h45 – 15h30 Jack van Wijk (Visualization: Science, Design, Art )
15h30 – 15h45 1 Mapsterdam (Taking data to the streets)
15h45 – 16h00 2 Europeana Explorer (European culture for everyone)
16h00 – 16h15 3 Charting The Charts (An exploration of music hit makers from 1970-2010)

— coffee break

16h30 – 17h00 Thomas Clever (CLEVER°FRANKE)
17h00 – 17h15 4 Politwittic (Discover the universe of dutch politics)
17h15 – 17h30 5 Sciencemappr (Explore global trends in scientific publishing)
17h30 – 17h45 6 Food Mood (Measuring global food sentiment, one tweet at a time)

17h45 drinks

For some of the student’s thoughts see:

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