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Participatory Culture – literature

We’ve talked about Participatory Culture in class with Richard Rogers. To get some idea of what this is, here’s some recommended reading:
Iranian Censorship of Women’s Online Magazines

Iranian Censorship of Women’s Online Magazines

Although media censorship in Iran is a widely publicized fact, this research report seeks to establish a clearer picture of which womens online consumer lifestyle titles Iranian web users are currently forbidden to view. This report was conducted...
Copyright Infringements: Exploring Fair Use Policies on YouTube

Copyright Infringements: Exploring Fair Use Policies on YouTube

Abstract  Copyright infringement and fair use are critical issues for YouTube creators, especially ones who primarily work with content they do not own. This research investigates how copyright is understood and navigated by YouTube creators from the genre of...
Chinese Communist Youth League: Your Next Influencer

Chinese Communist Youth League: Your Next Influencer

Social media  platforms are easy to access, to use and could be seamlessly integrated within different cultures and social structures. They are an integral part of how new content is propagated online, hence making them important in political lives...
Ceci n’est pas une Influencer;  the rise of ‘Virtual Influencers’ a fad or the future of online interaction?

Ceci nest pas une Influencer; the rise of ‘Virtual Influencers’ a fad or the future of online interaction?

Not everything we see on the internet exists outside of our computers and in 2019 were not that easily fooled anymore, or so we think… Instagram influencer Lil Miquela truly seems like any other influencer these days; she has...
From art to ethical design; Studio Roosegaarde’s quest for a sustainable and aesthetic future

From art to ethical design; Studio Roosegaardes quest for a sustainable and aesthetic future

The clock is ticking: sea levels and temperatures are rising, plastic is building up, and animals face extinction. What if art can be the activator for change?
Web historiography of

Web historiography of

Just as video killed the radio star three decades ago, the Internet has killed music television in the new millennium. – Greg Quill The Role of Music on from 1996 to 2012 Before MTVs arrival in Canada, the... A Socially Valuable Platform, or Just Another Amazon Revenue Stream? A Socially Valuable Platform, or Just Another Amazon Revenue Stream?

Instagram influencers and YouTube vloggers have long been seen as the leaders in monetizing ones online self. New to this scene are an entirely different cohort of digital money makers: those who profit as professional video gamers on live...
Is Apple our Online-Privacy Vigilante?

Is Apple our Online-Privacy Vigilante?

Abstract: Apple purports that its new Intelligent Tracking Prevention Technology integrated in Safari browser prevents 3rd-party cookies from collecting users data, therefore, reducing online ads, and ultimately protecting users privacy. This paper challenges this by arguing that ITPs functionality...
Dissecting Facebook’s Censorship

Dissecting Facebook’s Censorship

Since September 2016, Facebooks banning of the Napalm Girl photograph, one of the most powerful images that represented the atrocities of the Vietnam War, has sparked a debate on Facebooks censorship power and policies. In the 1972 photograph, Kim...
Feminist Movements in the Age of Social Media: Crossing the Thin Line Between Authentic and Performative Activism

Feminist Movements in the Age of Social Media: Crossing the Thin Line Between Authentic and Performative Activism

By Irem Ergul, Emma Fuchsová, Alexandra Hagedorn 1. Introduction Activism is conventionally seen as a form of public protest, that is a rally, public meeting or a march (Anderson and Herr 20). In this day and age, however, activism...
Big tech goes to war over Augmented reality (AR) dominance

Big tech goes to war over Augmented reality (AR) dominance

In the year between June 2016 and June 2017, AR went from being a fun optional technology in a handful apps - like Pokémon GO to becoming a vital part of the future strategy for every technology company...
“Hidden Cost”: Social Commerce Practices and the Collaboration between Snapchat and Amazon

Hidden Cost: Social Commerce Practices and the Collaboration between Snapchat and Amazon

In an era when S-commerce (social commerce) is dominating digital environments, social media platforms use more and more tools to achieve this combination of commercial and social activities. Like Instagram and Pinterest, now Snapchat jumped onto this trend and...

9/11 Conspiracy blogculture

Concise conspiracy guide to the web Films Loose change – Martial Law – ‘Everybody’s got to learn sometime – Sites on conspiracy Sites that go against...
Like, swipe, match… “you vaxxed?”

Like, swipe, match you vaxxed?

How Hinge and Tinder have adapted their affordances to the COVID-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic caused a spike in dating app usage while simultaneously altering the standard dating practices. To analyze how dating apps have responded to this change,...


UBERMORGEN.COM might be always trying to combine some nice entertainment with very intellectual European subversive art, but God Christ, we need to relax sometime and sell Google ad space on eBay and write a book about it and sell...


With the creation of Web 2.0 and its opportunities for user-generated content as well as participatory culture, many social and cultural changes have been implemented. Platformization has changed the dynamics of digital infrastructures and economic processes for good and...
The Academic Value of Bottom-up Knowledge Produced by Marginalized Groups: The Relevance of Instagram Infographics for Ethical Terminology Frameworks

The Academic Value of Bottom-up Knowledge Produced by Marginalized Groups: The Relevance of Instagram Infographics for Ethical Terminology Frameworks

Rosemary Clark-Parson and Jessa Lingel explain that when studying online alterity, it is important to critically reflect on the power politics behind the terminology researchers use to describe the groups they study. Instagram infographics a relevant source for researchers...
5G Network Rollout Expected to Stir Things Up

5G Network Rollout Expected to Stir Things Up

Three point three billions. This is the amount of smartphone users around the world for the year 2019 (Statistica). For the following two years, the expected amount of users is to reach 3.5 and 3.8 billions (Statistica). Among what makes...
Using Personal Data to buy Art: The Data Dollar Store

Using Personal Data to buy Art: The Data Dollar Store

Recently, Kaspersky Lab has been in the news due to so-called suspicious activity within their security software system and a supposed link with the Russian government. Both TechCrunch and Wired state that the Department of Homeland Security has banned...

Personalizing the Public Sphere: From Personal Start Pages to Personal Webtops

<em>Your personalized Internet. You can add what you like and remove what you don't like and it's totally simple. </em>- Pageflakes* - <em>Pageflakes </em>is only one of the dozen sites that offer to personalize your internet experience by creating a...

*Choose Life*

Ourania Dalalaki, Ashiq Khondker, Maritje Onjering, Hans Terpstra mini-exhibition curated for the Critical Media Art seminar. Disengage from the fear of technology, engage living forms through technicity, transform life, choose life. Living, Semi-living, bio-creations that tactically aim to shape...
Analyzing Black Lives Matter Infographics on Instagram: Instactivism or Real Impact?

Analyzing Black Lives Matter Infographics on Instagram: Instactivism or Real Impact?

Assignment A2 New Media Research Practices WG3, group 10 Group Members: Joey Schreuders Chenjie ZhangHanyu Cheng Yasmine Ben Abdessalem Word Counts: 2750 Introduction The burgeoning use of social media platforms with digital tools and visualization techniques is central to...
Can you change the world with a homemade DeepFake?

Can you change the world with a homemade DeepFake?

Kenza Sabri (; Zuzanna Kędzia ( Daria Kochetkova ( At the most basic level, deepfakes are lies disguised to look like truth. If we take them as truth or evidence, we can easily make false conclusions with potentially disastrous...