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Discussion about the spinplant

On October 1st Geert Lovink posted a <a href="">previous blogpost</a> about the spinplant on the <a href="">Nettime mailinglist</a>. This was the beginning of what turned out to become a sprawling discussion. This is a summary of the original post,...

Making the Spinplant Relevant: more from Friedrich Nietzsche

&lt;update&gt; See bottom of the post and the comments &lt;/ update&gt; About a week ago there was a small-scale furor on this blog and a Nettime-NL thread surrounding the spinplant. Laura (one of the very creative members of this...
Talking about the spinplant

Talking about the spinplant

After some weeks the spinplant is still alive. A search with the query &#8220;spinplant&#8221; in Google gives an overview of some nice and weird links. For example a mention on a Japanese site, linked to Secondlife. But the spinplant...
The Spinplant Continues: Legal Questions at Google?

The Spinplant Continues: Legal Questions at Google?

Although I&#8217;m not really sure what this is all about, on page 3 of the Google search query on the spinplant I got the following: In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 1 result(s)...
De kennis van Wikipedia

De kennis van Wikipedia

Hoe makkelijk is het om berichten op de Nederlandse variant van Wikipedia te plaatsen? Wie bekijkt de nieuw aangemaakte pagina&#8217;s? Wat is waarheid volgens Wikipedia? Met deze vragen in het achterhoofd heb ik op woensdag 26 september een pagina...
Alex Galloway on Protocol @ UvA

Alex Galloway on Protocol @ UvA

After the talk Alex Galloway gave on The Game of War Rosie asked him to give us an introduction to Protocol, which is key literature for one of our courses. This is the first spontaneously organized event by Geeks...

&#8230;All I got was this lousy t-shirt

<a href=""><img src="" height="86" width="86" align="left" /></a> In this article I dove into the world of internet memes and tried to find a indicator for the viability and liveliness of these phenomena. As I will show I did find...
Wikipedia’s Datasource Google

Wikipedia&#8217;s Datasource Google

Today Erinc Salor gave an excellent presentation called Redefining Encyclopaedia&#8217;s, about his research on Britannica, the history of encyclopaedia&#8217;s and its relation to Wikipedia. He feels there is too much speculation going on at the current moment. Most critical post and...