Blog ‘fatigue duty’

By: Eva Kol
On: October 5, 2006
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About Eva Kol
I recently got my MA degree at the VU studying CIW (in my case a combination of Dutch literature, Italian and communication sciences). At the moment I'm happily working to become a Master of (New!) Media at the UvA. My thesis will be about the social networking website Hyves.



  • Check the codes in the posts if the layout looks messy.
  • Check the comments through Manage > Awaiting moderation (delete spam: “mark all as spam” > “moderate comments”).
  • Update the blogroll.
  • Write a post on a new media related subject that you find interesting.
  • Moderate our joint gmail account: mastersofmedia.


Week 41* Eva Kol
Week 42 Tom Roes
Week 43 Twan Eikelenboom
Week 44 Roman Tol
Week 45 Heleen van der Klink
Week 46 Pepijn Uitterhoeve
Week 47 Jeffrey van Schie
Week 48 Anne Helmond
Week 49 Eva Kol
Week 50 Tom Roes
Week 51 Twan Eikelenboom
Week 1 Roman Tol
Week 2 Heleen van der Klink
Week 3 Pepijn Uitterhoeve
Week 4 Jeffrey van Schie
Week 5 Anne Helmond

* Weeks are from Monday until and with Sunday

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