The little Big Belgian Firewall?

On: April 22, 2009
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About Arno de Natris
Finished the Master in New Media in august 2009. See for mor details about me on


For the first time in history, the Belgian federal government has blocked an internet site. It is not a website containing child porn, but a website that publishes the whereabouts of (possible) pedophiles. The blocked website is similar to the website I referred to in my last blog post and paper.

Why is it blocked? The blog, according to the Belgian government, is dangerous. Citizens may harm these possible child abusers, after reading the blog. With this first attempt of the Belgian government to set up what is already called a Big Belgian Firewall, a state tries to get (back) in control of the Internet.

Ironically, yesterday, that very same Belgian government spread the news that pictures of child porn are found on the computer of Belgian’s beast: the imprisoned child rapist and serial killer Marc Dutroux.

I am not sure if child porn sites are blocked in Belgian and I really don’t feel checking like this out on a computer somewhere in the country, but reading all the news articles today at least suggests that the Belgian Firewall ruled by the federal government doesn’t protect their children, only their national pedophiles.

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