Technion Society of the Future

On: February 20, 2011
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About Elias van Hees
Elias van Hees is currently a MA student of New Media, he studied at the University of Rotterdam and received his Bachelor Degree in Information Technology and Communication (2009). Elias is a self-employed web strategist, more information is available on Interests: social media, research, politics, music, webdevelopment, seo, branding, concepting, user experience and usability.


A nation that fascinates me enormous in many aspects is one of the smallest countries in the world. Despite that, this nation has four climatic zones and is the only democracy in the Middle East.  Israel – that’s the country I’m referring to – also proportionally has the highest rate of R&D workers in the entire world. As I mentioned earlier in The Ultimate Boycott of Brains, lots of Israeli inventions are being developed during defense research. As prof. Albert Einstein stated:

“Israel can win the battle for survival only by developing expert knowledge in technology.”

In other words: Israel needs to be a forerunner in technology in order to protect itself and survive. An attitude which did not only result in the country’s survival but also the greatest concentration of high-tech startup companies anywhere except Sillicon Valley. This prominence in the global technology industry can be largely credited to the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, which is based in Haifa. The mission of the Technion is to train tomorrow’s top engineers to develop pioneering technologies and to be international leaders in implementing those technological innovations worldwide. The Technion was founded in 1924 and Albert Einstein himself was the first president of the Technion. In the meantime, prominent companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, Intel and Hewlett-Packard have established their operations near or even on the campus itself.

The Technion in Haifa

So several international IT companies take advantage of the Technion’s power when it comes to research power and skills. One of the current topics is the energy crisis and how this crisis can be solved through renewable energy sources. Israel and the Technion view solving this global energy problem as a major priority.

By studying at the International School, you will profit from the Technion’s high-level academics, excellent facilities and top-notch faculty. Anyone interested?

For more information check also the Technion Society of the Netherlands, which is s promoting education, science and technology in the Netherlands by providing critical support to the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.


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