Analyzing Information Visualization Projects on the Topic of Economic Inequality

On: May 4, 2013
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About Ana Crisostomo
My academic background includes a 4-year Bachelor's Degree in Communication and the attendance of the 1st year of a Master’s Degree in Communication, Culture and Information Technology. I have, however, the greatest excuse for this ‘non-completion’: I relocated from Portugal to the Netherlands amidst my educational adventure. My professional experience has been gathered in several industries within the private and public sectors, the commercial and non-profit spheres, and has been mainly focused on web content management and web project coordination. In parallel to the more ‘serious matters’, a lot of my time revolves around independent and alternative music. I also like interior design and several forms of contemporary urban art. I dislike cooking and writing on the 3rd person.


Wealth Inequality in America

The current paper focuses on information visualization projects related to the topic of economic inequality which can, in this particular case, be more specifically categorized under “speculative visualization” as defined by the authors Tanyoung Kim and Carl DiSalvo in their 2010 article “Speculative Visualization: A New Rhetoric for Communicating Public Concerns”. According to these academics, speculative visualization “represents socially and politically meaningful data in aesthetic ways to provoke viewer’s interpretation and further elicit discussions”.

[This paper was written within the theoretical framework provided in the 2012/13 New Media Project course]

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