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Matthew Elworthy

BA Communications graduate (University of Leeds), part-time CMS (content management system) operator, and full-time New Media & Digital Culture MA student at the University of Amsterdam.

Piracy: A Desire, Promise, and Threat.

Today marks the tenth and final day of the Austin based multimedia festival South By Southwest. Running for more than 25 years, the festival is renowned for it’s huge number of performing artists, variety in content (from music, to...

“The Transformation of Publishing Has Already Occurred…”

 ‘ … what is left is the playing out of this transformation in all its complexity.’ (Murphie, 2008)   Asked this week to contribute to the debate surrounding what is at stake in the production of open knowledge, I...
Im .mobi lize: Addressing Amazon’s Platform Fragmentation

Im .mobi lize: Addressing Amazon’s Platform Fragmentation

Coinciding with the release of Amazon’s Kindle Fire in 2011-12 (depending on your location), The global corporation also announced their ‘next generation’ ebook format, KF8, and their first attempt to step away from their now dated Mobi format. Pitched...
The Prosecution of Jokes on Social Media: Lets Ask the Audience.

The Prosecution of Jokes on Social Media: Lets Ask the Audience.

Last week a 19 year old man from Lancashire in the UK was found guilty of section 127 of the Communications Act; a British law which makes it an offence to send any message that would be considered ‘grossly...
The art of work in the age of digital reproducibility

The art of work in the age of digital reproducibility

The contemporary working environment has changed beyond recognition in many industries; none more so than those invested in new media. The skill sets required to excel in such an environment brings with it a paradigmatic shift in workplace culture...