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Please talk to AuntieRuth55

I am a student and this means that I love Wikipedia by default. When you hear about something you know nothing about, you just go to Wikipedia. Wikipedia is like a friendly Labrador, always there when you need it....

Daggering Wikipedia: How to increase the chance of having your Wikipedia article published?

When thinking of a subject to write about on Wikipedia, a couple of considerations crossed my mind. It’s easy to write about a scientific subject that isin line with Wikipedia’s core principles (NPOV, no original content and verifiability), but...
Wikipedia Labyrinth

Wikipedia Labyrinth

When I figured out I wanted to write about Cineville I found out that as expected, writing a Wikipedia entry was much harder than I hoped for. What...

The vigilance of the Wikipedians

In the last couple of weeks I got some responses to my post concerning the revisitation of my Wikipedia article about Richard A. Rogers – in which I told that I was stupefied by the speed with which I...