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The CensorSensor – Revealing Localized Censorship through Interactive Maps: A Maptivist Approach to Corporate and Government Censorship

The CensorSensor – Revealing Localized Censorship through Interactive Maps: A Maptivist Approach to Corporate and Government Censorship

Almost all countries filter the Internet to varying degrees; anything from illegal downloading to child pornography and from human rights activities to government criticism. Filtering the Internet has a potential to reinforce the hegemonic power structures and to constrain...

The shopping revolution

Twenty-plus kilograms suitcase in hand, tackling what seemed to be the longest staircase that had ever been placed in a train station that featured four platforms and no elevators, I started thinking: when did I but all this stuff?...

Resistance to Locative Media: Google Germany

The Germans proof that castles in the skies can be actualized. A real act of resistance to power has been put . More than 244.000 German internet users requested Google not to photograph their houses for Google Street View. The...

1 of 1.129.725 German Wikipedia articles

Since Monday the 27th September I am a new Wikipedia author and I must admit that I like it. I can’t name reasons why I didn’t try it before but now I know that I don’t want to stop...