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GOTO80, STU en Computadora on tour in Netherlands

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The famous label Bleepstreet is back on its feet, which means there will be 5 very interesting concerts this week. Bleepstreet Records...

Eastern Fire Swim

Last Eastern me and Goto80 made a new ‘music’video. The sound is produced by the new tracker software for the c64 (Defmon) that Goto80 uses, unfortunately glitched . look at Youtube! Goto80 described it as “I hugged bugs to...

“44422435 to nowhere”

In response to last weeks admittance of their work “44422435 to nowhere” to the Rhizome ArtBase, Entter told me that finally it seems “we are artists and not fucking nerd losers”. Since 2002, Entter’s fields of research and development...