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Live streaming; the next big thing?

Live streaming; the next big thing?

Recently, I discovered the live stream button on my Facebook page. I have heard about the applications Periscope and Meerkat with which you can live stream your own content: “Periscope and Meerkat are services that enable users to broadcast...

A Clay Tablet Is Not a Book

Mcluhan believed the medium to be the message. When we are trying to understand the effects of the medium, we ought to analyze the medium. And when the medium changes, the message is bound to transform. Who’s utopian vision...

Social Media Is Not Social

Last week I saw this TEDx presentation by David Armano. In this inspring 16 minutes he talks about how social media itself, is not social. Armano says that it is the people itself that are social. It is time...

In the midst of the serene world of ɥɔʇılƃ

HT Gold will be playable at HAIP Festival in Ljubljana in November (on the commodore, of course). Radio Dada will also be shown and I will give a glitch performance there. Be aware that the framerate of a Commodore...

In-between Manifesto

By Lievnath Faber, Tim van der Heijden and Rosa Menkman. IN-BETWEEN MANIFESTO We are the Interdividuals We are the people that celebrate the in-between. Our manifesto is meant for everyone. One who is ‘in-between’ is neither an isolated individual...