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MyCreativity: Alternative Business and Organisation Models

The topic of discussion at MyCreativity was to propose a new system of copyright that withstands the 21st century, respects the domains of knowledge and creativity, and provides artist with a worthy financial compensation. Joost Smiers has clearly thought...
MyCreativity: Made in Europe Part II: Dispatches from the City

MyCreativity: Made in Europe Part II: Dispatches from the City

The closing session of MyCreativity continued the previous session on dispatches from the city: Examples of the Creative Industry -or insert preffered term here- from around Europe. The first session covered Vienna, Dublin, Barcelona and Basel. In this second...
MyCreativity: Made in Europe Part I: Dispatches from the City

MyCreativity: Made in Europe Part I: Dispatches from the City

This two-hour lecture covered the cities of Vienna, Dublin, Barcelona and Basel (Switzerland). Monika Mokre and Elisabeth Mayerhofer covered Vienna, Aphra Kerr covered Dublin, Barbara Strebel covered Basel, and Matteo Pasquinelli covered Barcelona. The lecture started with Vienna, which...

MyCreativity, Fifth Session (Creative Labour and Precarious Creativity) Part Two

Creative labour as the basis for a critique of creative industries policy- David Hesmondhalgh At this presentation Hesmondhalgh would to like think about how an analysis of creative labour might contribute to critique. Therefore he suggests three critical approaches...

MyCreativity – Opening Night Screenings

Some visitors of MyCreativity’s opening night might have been a bit surprised when they found out where it took place. The contrast between the friendly squat named Chequepoint at Damrak 16 and the overly capitalist surroundings could hardly have...
MyCreativity, Second Session Part Two

MyCreativity, Second Session Part Two

In the second part of the second session Economy of Design Rogerio Lira, graphic designer and former student of the Sandberg Institute presented his project “Love-work: autonomous research in progress.” His work is about the dynamics and interaction between...
MyCreativity, Second Session Part One

MyCreativity, Second Session Part One

The title of the second session is Economy of Design. In this context Mieke Gerritzen & Teun Castelein presented the Artvertising project of the Sandberg Institute. The project is based on the Million Dollar Homepage which is an idea...
MyCreativity Conference Photos

MyCreativity Conference Photos

The Masters of Media are blogging (semi) live from the MyCreativity conference:
MyCreativity, First Session Part Two

MyCreativity, First Session Part Two

Matteo Pasquinelli took the podium for the second presentation, followed by Rosalind Gill and Danielle van Diemen.
MyCreativity, First Session Part One

MyCreativity, First Session Part One

At around 10:15 the usual suspects started showing up, including my fellow master students (some of us are aware that a 10 a.m. start means 10:30 in conference-speak). Geert Lovink (see photo) opened the proceedings as laptops took over...