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What Can We Do With ‘Swurl’?

Most social network sites have the option for their users to post what they are doing right now, to post pictures and show the music they listen to, all real time. On all features come together and thus...

What is Twitter (not)?

A web 2.0 review in Twitter-style:
Zaadz, a social network

Zaadz, a social network

Zaadz is a social network in two senses: first of all it is a social network like MySpace or Hyves because people can communicate share and many other things on this site if they have an account. The difference...
What’s wrong with Web-cynicism?

What’s wrong with Web-cynicism?

Whether you're the latest social networking site out of Silicon Valley, or a lowly blogpost fueled by coffee, plans don't always work out. I started writing this post with the title The Wasteland of Web 2.0, and was going...

Thanks for the add

Image by Scott JohnsonMyspace started in 2003 as a stage for aspiring bands and musicians, but evolved from a subculture platform to a mainstream profiling and networking giant. I want to have a look at the...
Second life: a utopian project gone bad

Second life: a utopian project gone bad

Of course, we all know Second life, any many writings already exist. Mostly on how incredible and promising this open-source-collaborative online community-building actually is. To see in what ways these terms hold any value nowadays, I logged into Second...