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Twitter as Discourse

On a first encounter with twitter, one may understandably think: ‘what are these twittering twats tweeting about!’ The twats bother each other constantly with utterances too short to be meaningful. A common reply is: Just try it for yourself!...

In the midst of the serene world of ɥɔʇılƃ

HT Gold will be playable at HAIP Festival in Ljubljana in November (on the commodore, of course). Radio Dada will also be shown and I will give a glitch performance there. Be aware that the framerate of a Commodore...

Privacy in Twitter

Twitter is micro-blogging software that allows users to report and share what they are doing or what’s on their mind. It can be useful for friends to see where you are and what you are doing and it can...

Spam on Twitter

The websites and other external features around Twitter expand rapidly and the new thing I discovered today is a phenomenon that looks like spam on Twitter. Users with an arbitrary username follow me and have one tweet and no...

Wikipedia Entries

On the Dutch Wikipedia I recently added a page on a statue of a blue man carrying a blue violin case, which is located in Amsterdam. The idea was to see if the page would be removed by other...

Twitter: Faking a Train Delay

Last Sunday, I tried to put Twitter in some theoretical framework with surveillance theory. I went further in a more practical exploration of this microblogging application. Twitter is more than just a message board as compared to in my...
Micro-blogging: Towards Temporal Micro-economics

Micro-blogging: Towards Temporal Micro-economics

‘As Oliver Selfridge puts it, an intimate, interactive conversation is, in some sense, the lack of it’. (Nicholas Negroponte) See also complete analysis HERE Launched in October 2006 and taking off worldwide in March 2007 by winning a...
Hello Twitter! “I have forgotten my umbrella”

Hello Twitter! “I have forgotten my umbrella”

A good chance that while browsing through the endless database of Twitter one could come across a line like this: "I have forgotten my umbrella" fact you will. The expression of mundane or day to day activities and thoughts...

Huffington Post

After more and more frequently visiting the website the Huffington post I’ve been wondering if this website is a social networking site (SNS), as multiple people blog here and are connected, or is this site just a news and...

Twitter and the Aphoristic Society

Twitter has been denounced by some as a useless waste of time. However, the short and snappy, "aphoristic" communication tool may also be a symptom of how people like to communicate today. The author argues that we are probably...

Twitter, Micro-blogging and Mcdonaldization in the blogosphere

To understand the logic of Twittering or microblogging as a blogging practise it might help looking at the...
Secondary Orality in Microblogging

Secondary Orality in Microblogging

Orality versus literacy in the history of human consciousness In the book “Orality and Literacy: the Technologizing of the World”, Walter Ong compares orality and literacy, as defining features of oral cultures (cultures which do not have a system...

Twitter: ‘resistance is futile’

First of all I have to define twitter for myself, I have no clue where this...

Twitter and Simple Forms of Literary Expression

Twitter is the most popular platform for microblogging, where short text updates(up to 140 words) are posted and distributed by means of instant messaging, sms, web interface. Microblogging is next in chain of technological tools for communication that follows...
“To Twitt or Not To Twitt”

“To Twitt or Not To Twitt”

As it is defined in Wikipedia – Micro-blogging is a relatively new phenomenon defined as “a form of blogging that lets you write brief text updates (usually less than 200 characters) about your life on the go and send...


Every social network service has its own parodies, the more successful it is, the more it has. I will take facebook as an example for applications and actions that play around with SNS. Facebook is surrounded by at least...

Twitter – A Solitude Wail?

I follow you means I’m watching you and what you are pretending to be doing every second. Is that true? Or is it that I want everyone to watch me? In other words is Twitter a medium for creating...

Twitter: a Member of the Big Brother Family?

My first experience with Twitter was a kind of déjà-vu. I had seen something like this before, a few years ago. It was, I think, at a music festival. There was a big screen with a telephone number. You could...
(B)Logging: To Anticipate Future Investigations

(B)Logging: To Anticipate Future Investigations

The current blogs have a lot of remarkable things in common with old traditional logs. With the theory of remediation (Bolter & Grusin, 1999) in mind you could easily state that the old medium of the log has remediated...
Twitter elections 2008: a landscape of thoughts

Twitter elections 2008: a landscape of thoughts

The popular micro-blogging service of Twitter offers its users the possibility to update their online profiles with up to 140 characters at a time. These updates emerge on their profiles so they can be read by other users and...

Twitter’s Implications: Is Less Really More?

It’s around us everywhere. Increasingly, the trend of creating single-phrase sentences – or aphorisms – is taking over the way we write and read, on line and offline. It almost seems as though there is no more room for...

Did I just find a farmer from rural Africa on Twitter ?

I think this might be only the beginning. As we start to understand Twitter and its creative uses we will increasingly see the links and the relevance in parallel to what we see happening with SMS. And like SMS,...
The Long Now Of #picnic08: Microblogging And Networked Social Awareness In Live Events

The Long Now Of #picnic08: Microblogging And Networked Social Awareness In Live Events

Rather than reporting on a specific keynote, I would like to focus on something that has been experienced behind mobile screens and not on in front of the festival stages. Such phenomenon can be approached both as an emerging...

Follow Me as I Follow You

There’s no easy or clear answer to the question ‘what is Twitter?’ as the service appears to be very simple. Users can create a profile within two minutes and start shouting something (tweet) with a maximum of 140 characters....