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Using map projections in data visualizations

Using map projections in data visualizations

In an era of internet users actively creating their own content, easily accessible tools are available for the public to create their own data visualizations. Applications like Many Eyes or Tableau Public give statistic enthusiasts the appropriate possibilities to...
Visualizing the network

Visualizing the network

As a result of the course information visualization, a public screening was organized where all project teams involved got a chance to present their work at the Waag Society venue. Within a tight 6 minutes, concept explanation and implementation...

Why Twitter can be the Next Big Thing in Scientific Collaboration

Introduction Imagine yourself in the following situation: You, a scientist pur sang, are busy researching and analyzing A and you are having doubts about the values in the model, suspecting a technical error. Without hesitation, you compose a tweet...

Cartography of migration flows

It has been acknowledged today that geography and cartography are not neutral or objective scientific practices but are ultimately about relationship between power, space and place. Yet, it was only at the end of 80s /early 90s, with development...
The distinct disciplines of infographics and information visualisations

The distinct disciplines of infographics and information visualisations

Within the data visualisation community there is in general a strong premise that infographics and information visualisation are two distinct disciplines. Infographics present information as statistical charts, maps, and diagrams which are often annotated with text and beautified with...
Data visualizing the story of food and emotion

Data visualizing the story of food and emotion

How do we even begin to visualize and draw connections between the intimately complex relationship that exists between food and emotion? Can we discover patterns amongst global food trends and global emotional trends? Could data visualization help us weave...

MA students present projects ‘Visualizing our World of Data’

Students from the MA New Media (UvA), MA Information Science (UvA) and MA Editorial Design (MaHKU) presented their interactive visualization projects at Crea. The Visualizing our World of Data program contained eight presentations (not all of them are described...

Decision Making 2.0 With Data Visualization?

Can visualization influence people? I mean can we prove it? This core dilemma pondered at the heart of Enrico Bertini’s latest post on FILWD was incidentally triggered by a question from an audience member at his latest talk on data visualization....

Social data analysis – Information visualization and participatory culture

Researchers in all areas of human knowledge are overwhelmed with data. Through the process of sensemaking, in which information is collected, organized, and analyzed, new knowledge is formed and further action is informed. We must make sense of data...
Music visualizations as a means for discovery

Music visualizations as a means for discovery

The basic idea behind information visualization (InfoVis) is that it takes an otherwise stagnant data set of facts and numbers and transforms into an imagery filled with visual patterns and elements.  While this idea is certainly not new it...
The Fuzzy Edges

The Fuzzy Edges

Emotion has long since been a fraught with subjectivity and complex interpretations for as long as scholars have sought to understand it. When scientists became interested in emotion in the late 19th century it suffered under labels like “feminine”,...

Making presentations using Google Earth

Welcome to Pepijn & Twan’s Presentation on Maps and their Cultural Critique, created within the boundaries of Google Earth. In this presentation for the Information Visualization course we experiment how presentations can be given with the use of Google...
Where do you live online?

Where do you live online?

(click map to enlarge) Lately I’ve been living mostly in the Flickr/Last FM area and on the Blogipelago but I am a vivid traveler. I have day passes to and Wikipedia and I always enjoy a good swim...

Play and learn

In this post I will try to describe the way videogames have helped pave the way for information visualization as a tool for digital native learners by consistently  tracking and visualizing achievements. I will also try to show how...

*Updated* Hyves Pulls Plug on Student Projects After Waag Society Event

((Looks like a possible false alarm, please see update below)) Online social network Hyves has blocked access to the profiles pages for unregistered users. Now one has to be registered and logged in to view a Hyver's full profile,...
Charles M. Blow at the infographics 2010

Charles M. Blow at the infographics 2010

Charles M. Blow was the opening presenter at the Infographics 2010 Conference in Zeist last Friday (March 5th) and in my opinion, one of the best presentations of the day along with the always inspiring work of Catalog Tree....
Show me the Data 2011

Show me the Data 2011

Show me the Data 2011 A presentations of six multidisciplinary data visualization projects developed by Master students of the University of Amsterdam (Media Studies and Computer Science)  and the Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design.

Impure: a user-friendly visual programming language from Bestiario

Last week, Barcelona/ Lisboa –based company Bestiario presented the audience of VisWeek 2010 with their latest information visualization programming language, Impure, an initiative to help democratize the Web by presenting Internet citizens with a flexible, easy to use tool...
Visualizing Genealogies of Philosophy

Visualizing Genealogies of Philosophy

I remember feeling completely lost in my first-year philosophy course – the feeling never really goes away – and wanting some kind of map of the territory or overview . This tool maps philosophers’ influences, and while users can’t...
Visualizing Scientific Research Collaboration: A Review of the Beauchesne-Map

Visualizing Scientific Research Collaboration: A Review of the Beauchesne-Map

Introduction In recent years there has been an increase in interest for international scientific collaboration (Luukkonen, 1993, Ponds, 2008), but the phenomenon is anything but recent: the first signs of it where seen in the nineteenth century (Luukkonen, 1993:...
Information visualization, not only an academic practice?

Information visualization, not only an academic practice?

The definition by Card et. al. of information visualization as “the use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition (1999),” is the basis for many. But there are also parties involved from outside the academic...
Cultural Bias in Data Visualization

Cultural Bias in Data Visualization

Data visualizations have to deal with the hard task of presenting data in such a way that the intention of the visualization becomes clear to the audience. Using literature dealing with the translation of data into design and the...
Information Visualization and Conflict

Information Visualization and Conflict

The visualization of information has long been a tool for generals and historians alike to go over military strategy and to materialize the concomitants of battle. As military operations continue within an increasingly data-rich environment, we must ask if...
What’s that on the map? Problems with geo-visualization

What’s that on the map? Problems with geo-visualization

The last couple of weeks, my data-visualization team and I, have been working on our Europeana project. Europeana is a big heritage-digitization project funded by the European Union. Their goal is to digitize all of Europe’s heritage objects and...