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Joep Hegger

After growing up in and around the border town of Nijmegen, Joep went to Amsterdam for his BA in Musicology, which he decided to finish in Berlin. After having been there for a while, both writing his BA thesis on the interrelation between music culture and copyright in Western societies and busking on market squares, he decided to come back to Amsterdam to persue a MA degree in New Media, focussing on topics related to his BA thesis. Besides being a MA student, Joep loves to make music, cook, swim, chill out, walk, make photos, look at visual arts, go to weird places with new people and dance to minimal techno.
Introduction: the Facebooth

Introduction: the Facebooth

This post is a summary of the presentation held on October 20 during the final session of the New Media Practices course 2011, with some additional information about the artistic and practical background of the booth. The Facebooth is...

Interview: Moos Lamerus on changes and quality in professional music

New media caused a lot of change in the music industry over the last decade. Comments on such changes tend to focus on general consequences, and overlook the changes as perceived by musicians and other people working in the...
App review: Repudo

App review: Repudo

Repudo, the fysical location bound message service, explained and reviewed. The app proves to be easy to use, original and playful, but still comes with some minor issues...
Free labor? An attempt to determine the value of user generated content – for the user

Free labor? An attempt to determine the value of user generated content – for the user

Writings on the value of user generated content tend to stress the (market) value users produce for companies such as Facebook by adding content, labeling these activities as "free labor". Assuming that there must also be something in it...

Book review: Basic Internet Security by Adam Hyde

Basic Internet Security successfully aims at two things - it points out that anybody involved in some kind of Internet activity should be concerned with at least some security measures, while keeping it easy and simple for both the...

Why artists (should) support piracy

Considering the severely limiting effects of current copyright and the culture industries, artists are better off supporting piracy - financially, artistically and morally.