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Megan Adams

I have traded my life of Tex-Mex and warm weather in Austin, Texas (yes I was raised on a ranch and no, George Bush is technically from Connecticut) for the gezelling city of Amsterdam to pursue my MA in New Media from UvA. Since graduating in 2006 with a Bachelor degree in Communication from St. Edward's University, I have thrown myself into the fast paced life of PR working at various levels across the technology and consumer sectors. Why new media? My professional interest in the program lies in understanding how new mediums and tools influence the communication landscape and why. In turn I hope to directly apply this 'under the hood' insight to my PR approach. My personal interest is vested in exploring the latest and greatest that the internet gods have bestowed upon us. When I’m not accidentally mowing over pedestrians on my bike I enjoy all things music and travel related. My idea of the perfect blog would combine the finer things in life: sandwiches and Lil Wayne.

Legal vs. Illegal: Understanding Dutch Copyright

If one were to compare the Netherlands to the United States on just a topical issues alone it would seem like oil and water.  The obvious differences, are well, just that – obvious (no need to discuss coffee shops,...
Berghain: Adventures in Techno

Berghain: Adventures in Techno

Over the past few weeks I have situated myself in Berlin on a mandate to take in and absorb all that is the music culture here.  On a mission to discover the heartbeat of the European music industry, I...
History of electro, metal and jazz through visualization

History of electro, metal and jazz through visualization

This idea of mapping music visualizations as a means of discovery is something that I have previously touched on.  In looking at examples of music visualizations that have bore applications, something that I find particularly interesting is that some...
Music visualizations as a means for discovery

Music visualizations as a means for discovery

The basic idea behind information visualization (InfoVis) is that it takes an otherwise stagnant data set of facts and numbers and transforms into an imagery filled with visual patterns and elements.  While this idea is certainly not new it...
Music and Bits and Marketing

Music and Bits and Marketing

As a follow up to my previous post about the Music and Bits conference, I wanted to cover off on the other topic of the day, marketing.  Out of the five companies who presented two of those, Top Notch...
Music and Bits and Startups

Music and Bits and Startups

Last week I attended the Music and Bits conference, which is the pre-conference for Amsterdam Dance Event. The conference touts itself as “an exploration of music and technology” and by all accounts I would say that was accurate.  Of...
Digital Distribution + Music = Global Divide

Digital Distribution + Music = Global Divide

A couple of months ago I was sitting at my desk with a friend, going through my iTunes collection and trying to put together a...
An aerial view of Twitter addiction

An aerial view of Twitter addiction

You’ve heard all of the jargon  – “get connected,” “stay connected,” “connect with friends and family,” etc., etc.  Any one of these phrases could be applied to Twitter, Facebook, blogging or you local cell phone carriers marketing tactics.  Clearly...
Wikipedia:  An exercise in patience

Wikipedia: An exercise in patience

Before getting started with creating a Wikipedia entry I went through all of the tutorials, read the comments, watched the youtube videos, scratched my head and said "pff this can't be that hard." So I decided to dive...
Book Review:  “Trickster City” by Various Authors

Book Review: “Trickster City” by Various Authors

India has long since been on my list of places I must visit before I die. I’m fascinated by the unknown and India is definitely a country that is completely...
tech celebrities vs. “real” celebrities and other deep thoughts

tech celebrities vs. “real” celebrities and other deep thoughts

As I’m reading Vanity Fair online this morning I realize that I have two separate articles pulled up next to each other on my browser that are essentially telling the same story only with different characters.  Yes, it happens...