Wikipedia: editing McLuhan

By: Heleen
On: September 27, 2006
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At Wikipedia I have added a quote from Marshall McLuhan. I found this quote last year when I was writing my bachelor thesis. However, I could not find the book or article where this quote came from. So I sent an e-mail to the official Marshall McLuhan website and I got an e-mail back from Eric McLuhan, Marshall’s son. This is what he said in his e-mail:

Dear Miss van der Klink,
Thank you for your query. I well remember my father making that observation on more than one occasion. The idea was that although the two things are clearly quite different, whatever entertains will educate more effectively.
I have not the faintest idea which book to find it in, if it ever actually went into a book at all, which is not certain. I know that he used the sentiment in a number of speeches, though. And you might–if you must have a source–quote this correspondence as authoritative.
Good luck with your thesis.
Cordial regards,
Dr. Eric McLuhan

The official Marshall McLuhan website can be found overhere:

Furthermore I have added some links at wikipedia at the mediastudies page and I have added more literature to the list. Also I made the list more synoptic, by dividing the books by major (film, television and new media).

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