Resistant Maps

On: November 24, 2006
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About Jan Simons
Associate Professor New Media at the Dept. of Media Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam.


Resistant Maps,
artistic actions in the interconnected urban territory.

Villa Croce Contemporary Art Museum,
via Jacopo Ruffini 3, Genoa (Italy)
25-26 November 2006

Resistant Maps, artistic actions in the interconnected urban territory is a conference and exhibition produced by the ‘Leonardi V-Idea’ Association (Genoa, Italy) and curated by Alessandro Ludovico, Gianfranco Pangrazio, Tommaso Tozzi, Marco Villani.

The representation of territory holds a historical role in the privileges of power. Geographical data has always been in its hands. The regaining of this representation goes through description and sharing practices (often in personal perspectives too). This is possible thanks to collaborative tools and the consequent value shifting of maps. Maps are not granted anymore by structures of power, but built by individuals who, drawing on the ideas of the psychogeographical movements, redraw the urban space according to fresh new coordinates.

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