“44422435 to nowhere”

On: September 10, 2007
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About Rosa Menkman
I like to take photos, make movies and read about new media and art. Last year I graduated on internet art (wrote my master thesis on the internet collective Jodi). Now I am in the Research Master media studies. My blog my Flickr my Del.icio.us my Blip.tv


44422435 to nowhereIn response to last weeks admittance of their work “44422435 to nowhere” to the Rhizome ArtBase, Entter told me that finally it seems “we are artists and not fucking nerd losers”.
Since 2002, Entter’s fields of research and development include, amongst many other subjects, vjing, for which they basically only use ROMS of old videogames and pixel art. This is deliberately done to explore the intrinsic visual language of videogames; a cryptic and primitive style that comes from the machines own DNA.
“44422435 to nowhere” is an experimental electronic artwork made in collaboration with Swedish 8bit musician Goto80 and his much abused instrument, the Commodore 64. The session took 3 hours but is condensed into only a few minutes. With the ‘Retro Replay’ cartridge for C64 they gained full access to the RAM, to manipulate graphics and functionality. The blue screen that appears at some points is the interface of the cartridge and the lists of letters and numbers is the data in the RAM. All manipulations were made by putting random symbols into the memory or by altering the screen graphically with PETSCII (an alternative for ASCII).
On September 23th, Entter and Goto80 will perform live in the CODA museum in Apeldoorn (NL), for the opening of a wallpaper exhibition ‘Behang, van plint tot plafond’, which will be an interesting break from their ‘normal’ setting.

“44422435 to nowhere”, (Entter and Goto80, 20 July, 2007).

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