
On: October 5, 2007
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Within minutes after publishing the entry was removed from Wikipedia. Apparently copyrights had been violated.

(Dutch) Het is niet toegestaan teksten van andere websites te kopiëren. Wikipedia kan hierdoor in de problemen komen, zie ook Wikipedia:Auteursrechtenschending. Uw artikel Gegevens lichaam wordt daarom verwijderd van Wikipedia.
Groet, Tûkkã 29 sep 2007 11:59 (CEST) (deletion-log of Wikipedia)

I have later resolved this issue by refering ostentatiously to myself. Tûkkã (the moderator) issued that, according to Google, the wiki-entry had strong similarity with a bachelor thesis. ArnaudH also made a reference to the location of my bachelor thesis… So, is Google a strong authority or was it just the preferential search-engine of the moderator? Either way, to my opinion, the most interesting finding was the strong presence of ArnaudH. He was also very much involved in moderating a different entry of my colleague student. Is this just a coincidence or is the Dutch Wikipedia ruled by a regime of only few fanatics?

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