The state of the Internet: For all you stat-lovers out there!

On: July 1, 2008
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About Twan Eikelenboom
One of the first Masters of Media to crawl upon this blog (2006/2007)! Still following (and at times contributing) to this great project. Working at Dutch sectorinstitute for e-culture Virtueel Platform. Special interest in stories resulting from new media product use (think: sat nav gone wrong) and independent gaming. Also blogging at


Background statistics for the internet are kind of hard to come by, mostly, they are kept in the iron vaults of the upperclass Internet companies, but Akamai (responsible for 20 procent of internet traffic) put out a very worthwhile report that brings together loads of interesting and usable data. Akamai sees that in the first quarter of 2008 (the period this publication spans), the growth of the Net didn’t stall, it continued to develop in rapid fashion.

This report shows a whole range of data, from the amount and location of DoS (Denial of Service) attacks to the amount of cable breaches, amount of broadband connections and speeds per country. But also the enormous impact of rerouting by governments is talked about in this publication. Although I haven’t been able to analyse the data, I think these statistics allow students (and researchers longing for some good data) to incorporate this in their works. Seen any interesting data in this publication? I’d like to hear it, just write a quick comment.

To download it, simply go to the following website Akamai State of the Internet (English) or Computable (Dutch). It’s free, but you do have to register, but it’s worth to take a quick peek.

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