Why FIFI 2008?

On: November 19, 2008
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About Hannah Biemold
Artist and blogger who wrote a novel last year in the NaNoWriMo program (National November Writing Month). The book, called 'In het hooi', has been published by Uitgeverij Vuurpapier in june 2010. Hannah finished the master New Media program in 2009 at the University of Amsterdam. She wrote a master thesis on Twitter implications (twesis). Besides this, Hannah is trying to visualize ideas about the world through conceptual art, she is looking for confrontation with these borders and wants to know of they're stretchable.


The event FIFI 2008 is being organized by the ISP XS4ALL who celibrates its 15th birthday this year. The event consists about workshops on open-source creativity, FABLAB, Web 3.0 and more. There are lectures by people like Prof. Kevin Warwick (the world’s first cyborg), Boris Veldhijzen van Zanten, Liz Sanders, Dr. Cordula Rooijendijk, Mr. Remy Chavannes and Martijn Planken. There are three main themes, toolbox for the future (about opportunities and possibilities of Internet and technology), secured? let yourself hack (data security is often not sufficient, how secure is secure?) and privacy: secret or property? (how to deal with company information and private information. The Internet knows everything about everybody, is that ok?).

The location for FIFI 2008 is the Westerpark, like Picnic 08 and therefore I wonder what’s the difference between both events, the extended value of yet another new media event. This event looks like it’s more about privacy issues, something XS4ALL has a long history in about standing strong for the privacy of their customers. Besides privacy FIFI 2008 is about what the Internet could offer us and if we know about its possibilities or not. And do we use the Internet in the right way, like do we care enough about our security. Picnic 08 is more about the latest trends at the crossroads of media, technology, entertainment, art and science. So both conferences should have their own specialities.

After this event I could compare both events with each other and blog some more. I think I’d like to join the lectures on ‘Cyborg, Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering, Robotica’, ‘Co-creatie en participatory design’ and follow the book presentaion on ‘Video Vortex van het Institute of Network Cultures’ and the hackers debat. I also want to see more on FabLab and maybe do some workshops too.


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