PICNIC Interior Design

On: September 28, 2009
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About Sarah Moore
I am a MA New Media Student at the University of Amsterdam. I received my bachelors in Radio-TV-Film and Sociology at the University of Texas in 2007. I am interested in graphic design and media arts. Currently working on a website about life in Amsterdam http://www.muntthee.com/.


I know many blog posts about the PICNIC conference from this weekend have been floating around the web the past few days. Most of them discussing the topics covered by the speakers and the future of new media. I was however so blown away by the innovative interior design at PICNIC and felt it deserved some attention.

PICNIC Amsterdam

A scrolling, flashing light that said “Not Your Ordinary”. The main dome had several different areas set up like a digital utopian park.

PICNIC Twitter Tree Amsterdam

A Twitter tree. You can go up to a pillow, have a seat and connect your laptop/iphone and tweet about PICNIC. The tweets were displayed on a screen above the tree.

PICNIC video games Amsterdam

Guys playing video games instead of attending a conference session.

PICNIC Living Room Amsterdam

Psuedo living rooms were scattered about the conference.

A very entertaining performance art piece that occurred throughout the conference in different locations.

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