Dance Chimes on Wikipedia, no news is good news?

On: October 3, 2010
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About Janice Wong
Janice Wong is an Australian-born cellist and digital media fanatic living the life in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). She graduated from the Masters of New Media programme at the University of Amsterdam in 2011 and worked at adidas as a Global Social Media Manager until 2017. She is now a Music Producer & Cellist based in Amsterdam. Contact: janice[at]


Is no news good news for Wikipedia? For this assignment it was easy to pick a topic, something I feel passionate about, Dance Chimes, invented and designed by Alfons van Leggelo. You can read my post on Wikipedia here.

Dance Chimes on Wikipedia

On 29 September, 2010 10.23am I uploaded my post to Wikipedia. No ‘bots’, no comments. Four days later: This page is still a new unreviewed article. Does that mean my topic is too boring to be reviewed? Not even a bot wants to touch it.

So I’m still waiting for feedback. Little information on the Internet exists about Dance Chimes, besides the manufacturer and distributor websites which makes it a perfect new topic for Wikipedia. But that makes it hard to verify more specifics about the instrument, like how many exist, the pitch, when exactly it was invented, even if I manage to get in contact with the inventor himself!

Background on Dance Chimes

In January 2008 I discovered Dance Chimes in Museumplein, Amsterdam while walking through the square at night, to hear a kind of chime-like glockenspiel sound. My attention was drawn to a a child of about 6 years old, jumping up and down on what appeared to be 9 bronze tiles. Amazing. I ran up to the ‘instrument’, waiting eagerly for my turn like a child in the playground. As a musician, I could recognise the notes immediately, and etched them in my mind as I ran home, knowing that this would be a great project for my band Birds of Lidingö to make a tune. And a tune we did make. The Stompstone Song.

– J from Birds of Lidingö

More Information

Richter Spielgeräte (English/German)

Dance Chimes information sheet

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