Wikipedia editing: the ultimate career counseling?

On: October 3, 2010
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About Jorien De Wandeler
Fresh from the Bachelor New Media at the UvA, Jorien likes to specialize herself during the Master in the anatomical and physiological effects of New Media on the human brain. To gather the required knowledge to make sensible statements about this she combines New Media with the Bachelor Psychobiology. This way she hopes to develop a broad, interdisciplinary frame of knowledge to conduct fundamental research.


Dear Wikipedia editors, did you notice that you choose a subject to edit on Wikipedia that lies in your line of interest? Because the list of Requested Articles is structured into categories, you automatically pick the subject you feel sort of attached to. I saw examples of gamers writing about their favourite video game, fresh residents of Amsterdam writing about their new fabulous city and Joris Pekel graced us with an entry about his farmersrockband Skitterend Mooi. In my case it is worse; I immediately went for the subject of my bachelor thesis from last year, my ‘favourite’ new media subject I just cannot get rid of

Little innovative, but this pattern could bring us new opportunities. I suggest that Wikipedia could function as a test of interest, which could eventually become an official occupational test. Spare yourself from endless sessions with a career counsellor or expensive guidance to find your ideal job. Become a Wikipedian! Write 3 Wikipedia entries, and find your field of interest. The job in this area might be the next step to your dream career! And this all comes with the advantage that the world’s largest online encyclopaedia is being supplemented at the same time.

Are you the stranger in our midst? The adventurer who wrote something completely out of their comfort zone?
Please leave a comment and explain why my enterprising plan is not going to work!

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