My first Wikipedia entry
Last friday 1st of October I published my very first Wikipedia entry ‘Howard Menger’ on the Dutch Wikipedia. The choosen topic actualy was based on a couple of simple Wikipedia-facts: First, when you want your Wiki-entry to have some reasonable lifespan you should go for a topic that’s missing in an already existing root entry. In my case, I found the name ‘Howard Menger’ on the dutch Wikipedia entry ‘Unidentified flying object’ written in red characters which means that there is no such entry present in the Dutch Wikipedia yet. Second, you improve your chances of being a Wikipedia-contributor if you act on this first fact by searching for some information about the topic you want to write about. Information in a encyclopedia need to be referenced therefore you need the references first. There was already an English Wikipedia entry on ‘Howard Menger’ so this was for me a good starting point, not only for the information about Howard but also for the layout of the text. The first step for me was to translate from English to Dutch. So essentialy my first Wikipedia entry was actually a translation job. I wondered wether what I was doing had some Wikipedia relevance. To find out I posted the entry relative early to see whether Wikipedia bots or administrators would disagree with me. After the visit of Erwin85Tbot the entry it seems to be alright. I have the feeling that the more important Wikipedia-entries, those that are visited more often, are a priority for the Wikipedia administrators. Therefore I believe that the relevance of your posted information is of influence on the lifespan of your entry. Today, my entry was visited by another bot RedBot, a bot that checks the grammar of the text. Also, Philip Man found a typo on my entry and set it right, Thanks man!
Despite all the warnings that Wikipedia entries are at risk of elemination I found it rather easy to keep my entry alive till now.