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The Cost of Convenience: Alexa As A Cloud-Based A.I. Smart Home System

The Cost of Convenience: Alexa As A Cloud-Based A.I. Smart Home System

Alexa is seemingly the A.I. of choice for smart home users in the current digital environment, and with the introduction of an audio assisted A.I. system into homes with more and more compatible devices released every year, what is...
Who controls your voice controlled world?

Who controls your voice controlled world?

One of the latest trends in the tech world is the development of the smart digital voice assistant. It was first popularized by iPhone’s Siri, and now companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft are developing software and hardware technology...
Russian Classmates, politics and Georgia

Russian Classmates, politics and Georgia

Despite having over 100 friends and former classmates in my friends list on a popular Russian social networking site, I left it following a brief Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 and joined an increasing number of people in...