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What is a ‘blogger’?

The definition of a blogger is commonly given as “someone who maintains a blog”. Yet on many sites, including Wikipedia and, ‘blogger’ does not have its own page, 'blogger' forwards to the page for ‘blog’. This week I...

Picnic 2008 report: Surprising Africa

Citizen journalism in Africa ‘Bring the world to Africa and bring Africa to the world.’ (Gisel Hiscock, talking at Surprising Africa) Hiscock, one of speakers at the Surprising Africa conference, held a lecture about Google’s interest in giving information-access...
PROblogger: book review

PROblogger: book review

PROblogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income INTRODUCION For some time now I’ve been interested in the eBook phenomenon for a couple of reasons: the business model that lies beneath it (how to make money by...

It’s the definitions, bloggers.

Lately I've been taking a shovel to the Internet Archive, looking for material on the history of blogging. It used to be that a query for 'blog history' would return a number of would-be Spanish civil war buffs, but...

Comparing dirt

One of the most popular blog-phenomena can be found in the celebrity gossip corner. In contrast to the paper tabloids these weblogs can be way faster with the latest gossip and are generally more sarcastic. I will bring forth... Internet finally subsumed by Blogs Internet finally subsumed by Blogs

It is well known that Google, which depends on every link it indexes to recommend search results, has a certain 'vulnerability' that blogs expose. Bloggers are professional-amateur-pointers. They publish frequently, they link a lot, and then they syndicate...

Rethinking the Blog as Database: My First Post on the Blog Herald

I am proud to announce that I have joined the Blog Herald. The Blog Herald has been blogging about the blogosphere since 2003 and has since become an established source in the blogosphere. I have been reading the Blog...
Announcement: new Masters of Media blog!

Announcement: new Masters of Media blog!

The masters of media blog is redesigned and updated! Since the beginning of this semester the masters of media v 2.0 have been posting on this blog. A new group of masters also needs a fresh new look. In...
Pingback Spam, Popularity and Protecting Investments

Pingback Spam, Popularity and Protecting Investments

This blog is a real magnet for pingback spam lately. While I’d like to take it as a sign of our growing popularity, that would be like being flattered by calls from telemarketers. Also, it probably says more about...

Nietzsche’s Blog

“A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends” This quote applied to current weblogs/ blogculture what would be Nietzsche’s philosophical view on this web2.0 experience? Assuming this statement, would he approve...

An analysis and proposal for is a blog with scientific articles. I analyse this blog on usability aspects using Jakob Nielsen’s articles Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes and Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design. According to Nielsen these are the principles...
Watching Frank; an analysis of the blog

Watching Frank; an analysis of the blog

In my MA New Media course New Media in practise, blogs are a prominent subject. Besides blogs in general and everything that has to do with the phenomenon blogging we talk a lot about our class blog. In the...

Self Promotion

Brand equals Interface? According to the Information Architects Japan design agency, brands are not mere reflections of their graphical attributes (Logo’s, color schemes, etcetera). A corporate identity or product is just as much defined by its interface. This means...

Blog Analysis:

There are a tremendous amount of celebrity gossip weblogs on the internet. One that has caught my attention, because of its different approach towards celebrity gossip, is This weblog is about celebrity gossip involving the environment and other...
Reflections on Uses of Blogs

Reflections on Uses of Blogs

Cross-posted at Politics of Many Minds From the perspective of Politics of Many Minds, and doing research into the ‘natively digital’ more general, the book Uses of Blogs provided me some interesting thoughts on investigating blogging and the blogosphere....

Essay: The Perceived Freshness Fetish

Why do I feel a need to blog daily? There seems to be some kind of consensus or norm in the blogosphere that blogs should be updated daily. Several blogs about blogging recommend posting daily and blog search engine...

Wait – what’s a blog again?

In an ongoing discussion on a forum I got into a scuffle with a formidable opponent about what blogs exactly are. I tried parroting all that I had been taught in various classes during the BA and MA courses...

Nurturing and death in Web 2.0

I thought I’d just try it, see what happens to myself when I don’t post for a while on my own blog. Although it isn’t that interesting for the readers of a blog, you should definitely try it. Because...
Twingly: Mapping the Global Blogosphere in Real-Time

Twingly: Mapping the Global Blogosphere in Real-Time

I was kind of amazed to see this real-time visualization of the a selected portion of the blogosphere. It is ‘marketed’ as a screensaver, but has much more potential than just a screenfiller when you’re away from your screen....
Twitter, Tumblr and microblogging

Twitter, Tumblr and microblogging

The newest hype nowadays seems to be Twitter which allows you to share what you are doing with your friends every single second. Are you going to the mall? Is your cat sneezing? Update your Twitter page on the...

Link Love and Disrupting Technorati

This next thing is an interesting initiative. Make a blogpost and link as many people to disrupt -or maybe you could call it hack- Technorati’s ranking system. Or you could just call it link lovin’ , since everyone sees...

Blog research survey

I recently came across a Dutch student who is doing research on bloggers and social bookmarking and he is currently seeking people to fill out a short survey. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes to help out a...

Blogger sued for copyright infringement

The Telegraaf (Dutch newspaper) reported in their issue of yesterday that Perez Hilton (real name Mario Lavandeira) is being sued for 7.5 million dollars by 7 photo agencies. This blogger searches the internet for photo’s of celebrities and then...

True Crime Blogging

This site is an interesting mix of blogging and amateur online investigative journalism – trying to get more information on reported crimes by searching Google, MySpace, etc. Lots of advertising, though – true crime is a popular and lucrative...