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Visualizing the network

Visualizing the network

As a result of the course information visualization, a public screening was organized where all project teams involved got a chance to present their work at the Waag Society venue. Within a tight 6 minutes, concept explanation and implementation...

Cultuur 3.0 report: “het internet is nog niet af”

opening session Verslag van Cultuur 3.0 conferentie, 8 april, Club 11, amsterdam. Virtueel Platvorm.
The Mobile City Conference 27 & 28 February 2008 @ NAI, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

The Mobile City Conference 27 & 28 February 2008 @ NAI, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

The Mobile City conference 27 & 28 February 2008 NAi (Netherlands Architecture Institute) Rotterdam, The Netherlands Announcement & Call for Participation “The Mobile City” is a two-day conference about locative & mobile technologies, urban culture and identity. The...
Light post on post-light

Light post on post-light

In a series of attempts to shorten posts, a ‘light’ post: In my quest to investigate into alternative interfaces and other ways (than traditional pc setup red.) of representation and manipulation of data, one aspect to look at is...
Alex Galloway on Protocol @ UvA

Alex Galloway on Protocol @ UvA

After the talk Alex Galloway gave on The Game of War Rosie asked him to give us an introduction to Protocol, which is key literature for one of our courses. This is the first spontaneously organized event by Geeks...

Debord as Programmer: Alexander Galloway on the Game of War

The Game of WarOn Thursday night Alexander Galloway, NYU assistant professor and founding member of the Radical Software Group, gave us a peak at his latest project,...

Big Brother Awards 2007

De Belastingdienst, de NS, minister Rouvoet, Google, De Nederlandsche Bank, Schiphol, Maurice de Hond, Mark Rutte, het voorstel implementatie bewaarplicht verkeersgegevens, de plannen voor het Elektronisch Kinddossier, het voorstel nieuwe bevoegdheden voor de AIVD en het PNR Data Agreement...

New Network Theory – Review

For three executive sunny days last week, the humanity studies faculty of the University of Amsterdam hosted the New Network Theory conference. This four party collaborative initiative – consisting of Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis, Institute of Network cultures,...

Photos New Network Theory Conference

View the whole New Network Theory set at Flickr (more to come the next two days).

New Network Theory – Alan Liu

Can Network knowledge improve? The second New Network Theory session starts with this question from Alan Liu in his presentation Network Knowledge: Policing Web 2.0. Alan’s aim today is to present a draft proposal for a non-reactionary policy for...

New Network Theory – Opening

The Masters of Media are at the New Network Theory Conference – organized by Network Cultures, ASCA and the Media Studies department at the University of Amsterdam (that’s us!). Geert Lovink introduced the program as an ambitious attempt to...

Masters of Media at Versgeperst

Twan did a great job presenting our blog at the first edition of Vers Geperst at Club 11 in Amsterdam. A New Media student from Utrecht from the audience contacted us afterwards to talk about the blog and New...

242 seconds of fame – “Vers geperst”

Graduate students Interactive Media at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam are organizing Vers Geperst. Inspired by the concept Pecha Kucha, a presentation format for creative work originally devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa) in Tokyo...

Second Open-Search Workshop

For your info: What: Second Open-Search Workshop When: Saturday April 28, 2007, 13.00h CET, 11.00h GMT, 06.00h EST, 4.00h EET, 01.00h HST, 04.00h MSTDuration: official program will be 4 hours Where (physical): CREA, room 204, Turfdraagsterpad 17, 1012 XT...


When: wed. March 21st 2007 || start 20.30 hrs. / doors: 20.00 hrs. Where: Melkweg, Theater, Lijnbaansgracht 234 A, Amsterdam | free entrance | LIVE webcast: ‘Locative media’ are hot: from cell phones to GPS, to other...

Science Fiction, Science Faction- An exploration of the visions behind the contemporary digital world.

ANNOUNCEMENT Science Fiction, Science Faction An exploration of the visions behind the contemporary digital world. Organized by the Waag Society, Internet provider XS4ALL and the Cyberspace Salvations Research Team (University of Leiden, Erasmus University Rotterdam): In the mid-1980s, due...

UvA New Media Research Lectures

We are pleased to announce: “Mobile Affect, Mediality and Abu Ghraib” Richard Grusin Thursday, 22 February 15-17u. Turfdraagsterpad 9, Room 0.04

The Oracle Machine: PRESENTATION Saturday January 20, 20.00 hrs / De Balie, Amsterdam

A N N O U N C E M E N T The Oracle Machine An installation for the façade of De Balie in Amsterdam. “This is what we write, this is what we read; this is how we...

Guide de la Netpolitique (Libération, 12-20-2005)

In 2007 the French will elect a new president. The French newspaper Libération offers a practical guide to net politics.

Off-Screen presents: A day out of the life of a Game Researcher (dec 13)

Off-Screen presents: A day out of the life of a Game Researcher, an analysis of the moral panic surrounding games. This wednesday Off-Screen, the student board (?) of Mediastudies at the UvA organizes a David Nieborg lecture for people...
Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 5

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 5

The Innovation Lab 2006 winner of the 10.000 euro price for further development is Blendid. Chairman of the jury, Frank Alsema, presented the price to David Kousemaker and Tim Olden, with their project ‘Sound World: Audio-Augmented Experiences’. This Innovation...

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 4

Day 4 is the last day before the big pitch on Friday. Frank Boyd introduces the day with a session on what to think about in the presentation. Today is about pitching. Pitching is about inner preparation, outer preparation,...

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 3

During day 3 and 4 the teams work on their own project. The experts visit the teams during the day to give personal feedback. On day 3 a special guest accompanies the expert group: chairman of the jury Frank...

Broadband/HD Innovation Lab – day 2

Day 2 is about users. More specifically today is about understanding and applying user centered design methods. Tracy Currer is leading today’s session. Tracy Currer is an interaction design consultant and is an experienced guide in innovative processes. The...