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“Grassroots Maptivism”: Mapping Feminist Movements Around the World

Grassroots Maptivism”: Mapping Feminist Movements Around the World

The virtual space has become the preferred place to demand for change. There are several examples of such movements from all over the world – Occupy Wall Street, The Arab Spring, #BlackLivesMatter, #NiUnaMenos #15-M Movement. With over 4 billion...


Activism has been around for centuries: Revolts, revolutions, coups, etc. have taken place through the entire course of human history. These countercultural movements have always been in need of some sort of platform to get organised on, be...

We the Media – Dan Gilmor

In his book ‘We the Media: Grassroots journalism by the People’, Dan Gilmor describes the development in the so called grassroots journalism. Gilmors goal is: “to persuade you that the collision of journalism and technology is having major consequences...