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Call to think: Twitter and Facebook urge users to fact-check information

Call to think: Twitter and Facebook urge users to fact-check information

Abstract:Aiming to nudge users in the right direction, Twitter introduced pop-up notifications if users want to (re-)post a news article that they have not opened yet, prompting them to be more aware of the content they are circulating to...
Information Overload: how much is enough?

Information Overload: how much is enough?

If you’re reading this post, on this blog, your interests clearly relate to the wonderful realm of new media. Your notifications icon on Facebook is probably blinking to indicate that you have some messages pending and there’s a cue...
Go minimalist with your social media?

Go minimalist with your social media?

Why minimalist approach steps into our online life and what is the level of its effectiveness? We all have heard about the popular minimalist approach by now. Most of us have probably seen reportage on TV, or YouTube about some new-born...
Thanks For Sharing; Gratitude to Social Recommendation and Cool Friends

Thanks For Sharing; Gratitude to Social Recommendation and Cool Friends

“Knowledge sharing and creation is at the heart of innovation in all fields – science, art and business – and innovation is the driving force for wealth creation... Information can be transferred in great torrents, without any understanding or...

qwiki – can linear narratives still be relevant in hyperlinked contexts?

Some time has passed since the official launch of qwiki (see the Masters of Media Blog initial impressions). Although still in alpha, a more profound critique can be put forward as the platform evolved and opened itself to users.
Qwiki will be launched soon, what should we expect?

Qwiki will be launched soon, what should we expect?

Qwiki is the award winning start up in the TechCrunch Disrupt, San Francisco. It is founded by Doug Imbruce and Luis Monier and promises to offer a new information exprerience and to solve the problem of the information overload....

Twitter Research Supported by Info Visualisation

Everyday users of Twitter users provide the world with us with of tweets on topics differing from what they ate, how they feel to what music they listen to. This is a great source for researchers who want to...

Is Twitter Gonna Kill Us?

“Everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make the world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however, in danger of lacking meaning; quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us.” – Jean...

Aphoristic message (overload?) by a CMC world

Communication is as old as humans (or humanoids) itself, from a grunt, a shout to a simple gesture – we have always had the ability to convey messages to others around us – whether we’re correctly understood is a...
TweetDeck: A Cyberspace Odyssey

TweetDeck: A Cyberspace Odyssey

Some people get very nervous using Twitter; they find the constant stream of (seemingly) unimportant personal exclamations incredibly annoying. They say: how on Earth are you supposed to keep track of all that information? Well, those people should try...