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The language of dynamic and interactive graphics

The language of dynamic and interactive graphics

This blog post explores if and how the framework for the analysis of static graphics offered by Yuri Engelhardt in his PhD thesis, The language of graphics: A framework for the analysis of syntax and meaning in maps, charts...
[Interview] Juul Spee of Zesbaans: Digital Media Designer

[Interview] Juul Spee of Zesbaans: Digital Media Designer

Zesbaans is a digital media and design collective that experiments with media and interactivity. Zesbaans (Dutch for a six-laned highway) has been based in Utrecht, the Netherlands, since its founding in 2007 where it has been involved with projects...
WappZapp; the revolution of interactive real-time television

WappZapp; the revolution of interactive real-time television

The computational era we currently live in overwhelms us with the latest gadgetry, fidgets and means of communications. It is a tidal wave of new media micro-evolutions which we engulf ourselves in every day. Its innovational force moves so...
Data visualization and story telling

Data visualization and story telling

For as long as people have been around, the have used stories to share information, cultural values and experience. Most of the times this is done orally, but even in ancient times, mankind created drawings to visualize their information....