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The immersive and interactive qualities of literature

In “Immersion vs. Interactivity: Virtual Reality and Literary Theory” Marie-Laure Ryan explores the problematics of Virtual literature. Marie-Laure Ryan is a literary scholar and critic. She has written several books and articles concerning narratology, fiction and cyberculture, and she...

Interpassivity on Facebook

Social networks give online opportunities to construct social connections, stay in touch with our friends and create/share user-generated content. They are characterized by interactivity; users are capable to react to each others’ actions. However, as our connections grow, our...
“To Twitt or Not To Twitt”

“To Twitt or Not To Twitt”

As it is defined in Wikipedia – Micro-blogging is a relatively new phenomenon defined as “a form of blogging that lets you write brief text updates (usually less than 200 characters) about your life on the go and send...
An Analysis of Web 2.0: ‘YouTube’

An Analysis of Web 2.0: ‘YouTube’

Introduction Web 2.0 is a term describing changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web. In short, Web 2.0 emphasizes the...
Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond

Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond

Dr Axel Bruns is the author of Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, and has also authored...
Interactivity and Immersion/ Sonic Acts XII

Interactivity and Immersion/ Sonic Acts XII

Moderated by Arie Altena, this part of the session the artists Jeffrey Shaw from Australia and the Dutch Marnix de Nijs talked about their work with video, ambient screens and immersive techniques. The session took off with a quote...
recap: mediamatic / tag event on Processing.

recap: mediamatic / tag event on Processing.

In a series of events organized around the theme information aesthetics, a collaborative effort between Mediamatic and TAG produced a Salon on Processing. For those who are not familiar with this phenomenon: Processing is an open-source software platform created...

Smart Mobs: smart mob(ile)s or smart Men On Bits?

In this review, Howard Rheingold’s vision on the future of communication and interaction is explained, as layed out in his book ‘Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution’, 2002. Rheingold noted that SMS has been used for dating in teenage...

Interactivity is Affectivity

(cross posted on Over the summer I wrote an essay called ‘Interactivity is Affectivity’ for the tutorial ‘Current themes in new media’. You may like to read the following teaser, or even click pdf for the pdf.
Interactivity, Government and Affect

Interactivity, Government and Affect

Partly in response to that stumper from a while back, ‘What’s a blog?’, this is another: What is interactivity? I’ll start with the top result from a “define: interactivity” google query: If your Web site is not interactive, it’s...