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Twitter: an insignificance awareness engine?

@MA_Mel ahaahh nice my twitter makes you smile. If only it made men undress too!!10:17 PM Aug 4th via web from Garment District, New York in reply to MA_Mel Mentioning your whereabouts, describing your breakfast, sharing links, and replying to other...
Twitter la #Revolucion

Twitter la #Revolucion

In doubting the power of Facebook and twitter as institutions that proliferate political and social activism, the The New Yorker columnist, Malcolm Gladwell says: “Social networks are effective at increasing participation— by lessening the level of motivation that participation...

What’s happening, Twitter?

One of the latest trends on the World Wide Web is micro-blogging. A micro-blog is a platform for short text updates, usually not more than a sentence or two in length. The most famous micro-blog service is Twitter where...
Txtng news in 140 characters

Txtng news in 140 characters

It is no news to us that text messaging is morphing our modern culture. In 2008, the British scholar David Crystal has observed how text messages in mobile phones and IMs can influence our live technologically, sociologically, psychologically, commercially, and...
Time to get social online, but why?

Time to get social online, but why?

Why do we socialize online? Because “human beings are social animals,” Aristotle would say so.

Twitter as Discourse

On a first encounter with twitter, one may understandably think: ‘what are these twittering twats tweeting about!’ The twats bother each other constantly with utterances too short to be meaningful. A common reply is: Just try it for yourself!...
Micro-blogging: Towards Temporal Micro-economics

Micro-blogging: Towards Temporal Micro-economics

‘As Oliver Selfridge puts it, an intimate, interactive conversation is, in some sense, the lack of it’. (Nicholas Negroponte) See also complete analysis HERE Launched in October 2006 and taking off worldwide in March 2007 by winning a...

Twitter, Micro-blogging and Mcdonaldization in the blogosphere


To understand the logic of Twittering or microblogging as a blogging practise it might help looking at the...