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Digital Handshakes in Networked Publics: a Case Study

In her essay Digital Handshakes in Networked Publics: Why Politicians Must Interact, Not Broadcast' Danah Boyd explains how politicians in the United...

Dingpolitik and an internet of things

The relevancy of performing research into the topic of an Internet of Things lies in the fact that, although seemingly the concept has faded into the background, reality might be catching up. Where the web 2.0 bubble keeps on...


Written for the Institute of Network Cultures Crossposted at Institute of Network Cultures Weblog Download PDF (full text including pictures) On April 17th and 18th 2008 the department of Politics and International Relations at the Royal Holloway University of...

Everything you want to know about Geert Wilders Fitna… except the ending!

READ: ARTICLE AT CUT-UP.MEDIA.MAGAZINE When Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries announced he solved the Holloway-case and put together his findings, facts, and answers in a two hour film, he did so three days before airing the actual...

URLs registered for the U.S. Elections

For those of us who thought domain name grabbing went out of style in the 1990s.. The Caucus blog at New York Times reports that the Republican National Committee has been parking domain names in preparation for the...

Mobile City Conference: Tim Creswell on Politics of Movement (… Standing Still)

Tim Creswell talks from within a framework of ‘twenty years of thinking about place and mobility.’ His talk at the The Mobile City 2008 conference therefore is less about new technology, but more about political issues and the role...

Mobile city conference – Stephen Graham on the politics of urban space

Introduction by Ole Bouman: At the NAI, values of architecture are defended that we are fond of to defend. Most architects and policy makers do belief that architecture is about shelter and enclosure, occupation and representation. Archiving architecture used...

Meta-humor at Daily Kos

This diary at Daily Kos confused me at first, because it was completely empty. No title, no text: there was nothing there. But looking at the various tags for the diary makes it clear why:
Justification for Iran War,...

Press the legislative button

Although it should still be ratified by national parliaments, today the Lisbon Treaty was signed by all EU countries. Interestingly enough, there is a clause which allows EU citizens, upon collecting a minimum of one million signatures, to invite...

Review: Blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture – David Kline and Dan Burstein

  David Kline and Dan Burstein points out that the blogosphere will transform many areas of politics, business, media and culture. In their book ‘Blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture’ they have interviewed...

Television killed Howard Dean

Joe Trippi – The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Trippi was the campaign manager of Howard Dean, a Democratic candidate for the American presidency from the beginning of 2003 untill january 2004. In his book he writes about the...
The Great Global Warming Swindle?

The Great Global Warming Swindle?

So there’s a documentary by the British Channel Four which argues that human/CO2 caused Global Warming is a pile of steaming bollocks (smells better than excrement). It can grow to become a kind of counter-Inconvenient Truth, and contribute to...
Marshall McLuhan on Televised Presidential Debates

Marshall McLuhan on Televised Presidential Debates

So I was browsing around YouTube and stumbled upon this video of McLuhan on the Today Show: I think presidential debates are indeed exemplary of the adage “The Medium is the Message”. It’s refreshing to see media theory from...

Help a student! And fill out a short questionnaire

Matthijs Rutten has developed a digital survey for his thesis. It itvolves new media and politics, or in particular the manner in which politicians use digital communication tools in order to get as many votes as possible. In this...

Google, politics and censorship

So I’m at my mum’s trying to make some progress on writing my thesis, and she complained about one of the sites she likes to visit – UrukNet – being shunned from Google News. I asked her for some...